Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Drama #3: Open Letter to the G Train

The G Train is a single subway line that connects Brooklyn to Queens, and if you have to go from say, Park Slope to Williamsburg, and it comes right away, you can avoid riding into Manhattan and save a good 10 minutes or so by taking it. I take it to and from work at least 3 times a week, and in the mornings, it's pretty great. After 7 pm, though, or on the weekends, it's a different story. Little Miss G Train leaves people waiting in the stations for up to a half an hour, bored and outright pissed.

I imagine that at the Metropolitan Avenue stop last Saturday, a broken man named Gutter, had had his fill:

It reads:

Dear G Train,

Well, sorry about all of those things I said about you last weekend. But the thing is, you are never there for me. Seriously, why? Please, please, please come pick me up. Be there for me? Is that so much?


The G Train replies:

Dear Gutter,

I don't have much time, but you should know that whenever I'm here, you're not. And when you're home, I'm out, scouting the same old paths, looking for you.

I'll always be here or on my way there.


PS You only come see me when you need a ride. Stop using me, freeloader!

To be fair, I doubt very seriously that the G Train actually wrote that PS. That was totally different in handwriting, marker color, and overall tone.

I also take serious issue with the hooligan that wrote "G Train, you're a slut" beneath the correspondence. You know what, hooligan, just back off and let them work it out, okay?


Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Great tip, will take your advice.

Tyler said...

Advice now loading in my head.